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Express Clean Laundry
Terms/ User Agreement



User Agreement;

In submitting an order through Express Clean Laundry LLC and its affiliates to charge and collect your financial information for any and all fees incurred through use of service. In addition to consent in allowing Express Clean Laundry LLC to contact you via social media, email, phone or by mail with information regarding your account, promotions or updates in the matters of your account details. By using our service  you also consent that we may come to your door for the sole purpose of collecting and dropping off laundry. 



Prior to pick up, laundry will need to be pre-sorted by the client and it is the clients responsibility to ensure that only laundry be placed in containers. Any foreign object, plastic, bio-hazard or contaminant found will result in a ten dollar upcharge. Clothing will be inspected by facility staff. If any soiled laundry is found including but not limited to biohazard waste, blood or bodily fluid will be rejected and returned. 


Pick up;

Upon scheduling a pickup, Express Clean Laundry LLC will provide specially designed plastic foldable totes that will be provided to place laundry in. Plastic bags, personal hampers or any containers not provided by our facility will not be accepted in any circumstance. Only the number of totes per subscription order will be collected and if additional containers are to be ordered or upgrade of service. It is the customer's responsibility to do so before the scheduled pick up. Upon pick up day containers are to be sealed with a proper lid, closed. And placed in an agreed space, porch or accessible space that our staff will have access to. 


Pick up times.


Pick up times are placed in four-hour block increments for the morning of the date you selected. Pick up and drop off may happen anytime in between those allotted hours of 9am and 1 pm Wednesday through Friday, Saturday only for Drop off. 


Affiliated Products and Clevermade Containers 


Containers will remain the sole property of Express Clean Laundry LLC during the duration of subscription. Should you cancel or otherwise fail to maintain payments those containers will need to be returned or otherwise paid for at 58$ per unit. In addition it is the responsibility of the client to maintain containers, bags, sacks and other affiliate products and will be held liable of up to 60$ per unit should there be enough damage to render the unit incapable of its intended use. Each unit is intended for the sole use of laundry organization, delivery and laundry pick up. Should evidence be found that the units had been used in any matter other than its intended purpose as directed here shall be placed on the responsibility of the client of up to a 60$ charge per unit. 



Deliveries will be set up and dispatched through the information given on initial checkout and sign up. Upon delivery you will be contacted and informed of drop off. Deliveries will be placed in a designated prearranged location. After drop off Express Clean Laundry LLC is not responsible for any lost, damaged or stolen goods after drop off has been completed and is the sole responsibility of the client to ensure that the drop off location is both safe and accessible to Express Clean Laundry staff. If delivery location is difficult to get to or deemed unsafe staff will not deliver units and will make another attempt a different day. 


Cancelation/ Refund Policy;


You are free to cancel anytime but will be responsible for paying the current month's subscription. Cancelation will take effect the following month and you will not be charged until you reinstate the subscription. Shall you upgrade, the change will not take effect till the preceding a month. Shall you notice a discrepancy in your clothing return, lost or damaged garments or material you will be able to make a claim for up to and no more than three times the cost of the initial subscription cost or of the value of garment not exceeding the cost of three times the cost of the initial subscription cost.

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